- Introduction
- Class-wise self-knowledge distillation (CS-KD)
- Class-wise regularization
- Effects of class-wise regularization
- Experiments
- Classification accuracy
- References
- 为了缓解模型过拟合,作者提出 Class-wise self-knowledge distillation (CS-KD),用同一类别的其他样本的预测类别概率去进行自蒸馏,使得模型输出更有意义和更加一致的预测结果
Class-wise self-knowledge distillation (CS-KD)
Class-wise regularization
- class-wise regularization loss. 使得属于同一类别样本的预测概率分布彼此接近,相当于对模型自身的 dark knowledge (i.e., the knowledge on wrong predictions) 进行蒸馏
其中, x , x ′ \mathbf x,\mathbf x' x,x′ 为属于同一类别的不同样本, P ( y ∣ x ; θ , T ) = exp ( f y ( x ; θ ) / T ) ∑ i = 1 C exp ( f i ( x ; θ ) / T ) P(y \mid \mathbf{x} ; \theta, T)=\frac{\exp \left(f_y(\mathbf{x} ; \theta) / T\right)}{\sum_{i=1}^C \exp \left(f_i(\mathbf{x} ; \theta) / T\right)} P(y∣x;θ,T)=∑i=1Cexp(fi(x;θ)/T)exp(fy(x;θ)/T), T T T 为温度参数;注意到, θ ~ \tilde \theta θ~ 为 fixed copy of the parameters θ \theta θ,梯度不会通过 θ ~ \tilde \theta θ~ 回传到模型参数,从而避免 model collapse (cf. Miyaeto et al.)
- total training loss
Effects of class-wise regularization
- Reducing the intra-class variations.
- Preventing overconfident predictions. CS-KD 通过将同一类别其他样本的预测类别分布作为软标签来避免 overconfident predictions,这比一般的 label-smoothing 方法生成的软标签更真实 (more ‘realistic’)
Classification accuracy
- Comparison with output regularization methods.
- Comparison with self-distillation methods.
- Evaluation on large-scale datasets.
- Compatibility with other regularization methods.
- Ablation study.
(1) Feature embedding analysis.
(2) Hierarchical image classification.
- Calibration effects.
- Yun, Sukmin, et al. “Regularizing class-wise predictions via self-knowledge distillation.” Proceedings of the IEEE/CVF conference on computer vision and pattern recognition. 2020.
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