Technology strategy Pattern 学习笔记4 - Creating the Strategy-Corporate Context

Creating the Strategy-Corporate Context

1 •. Stakeholder Alignment

1.1 要成功,要尽可能获得powerful leader的支持
1.2 也需要获得最高执行层的支持
1.3 Determining(确定) Stakeholders

  • 需要建立360度组织图,确认三类人
  • The people who will pay for it and stand on a stage and tell others that it’s important (your leaders, the executive team).
  • The people who will execute it, and need to understand it well
    enough to care about it and execute it properly (your teams,
  • The people who will ignore or undermine it if their views, aspirations,and concerns aren’t represented (your peers) -利益相关者.
    1.4 Determining Drivers
    1.4.1 咨询内部关键leader及外部供应商、合作伙伴确保strategy是正确的
    1.4.2 If the operations or “run” team is under a different leader, identify key leaders here
    1.4.3 和领导团队的扩展成员保持联络,让他们了解你的策略

1.5 Stakeholder List
1.5.1 建立10-30的清单,用于创建RACI和Stakeholder matrix
1.5.2 除了每个人的title、联系方式,还要有Influence和impact

  • Influence refers to how important this person’s support is.
  • Impact, on the other hand, refers to the degree to which your strategy, as it becomes realized, will impact her.
  • Influence和impack可以按1-5给分
    1.6 Stakeholder Matrix
    1.6.1 示意图

1.6.2 Monitor-influence和impact都低
Ask them on a regular basis about changes in their worlds and what they see coming, and note what might inform your work

1.6.3 Maintain confidence
Send them reports on your activities. Be sure they understand your milestones and know how you are doing with respect to achieving those

1.6.4 Keep informed
1.6.5 Collaborate-双高
Actively work with these people on a regular basis in full partnership to co-create the ideas and execution plans within your strategy


2.1 细分工作,建立每个分享的RACI表格,人一般来自stockholders列表。

2.2 参考URL
2.3 示意图


3 Life Cycle Stage

3.1 分析公司属于那个阶段


4 Value Chain

4.1 技术上的Value Chain主要是提醒技术再value chain各环节的价值

4.2 Maximizing Efficiency

  • In your software product development, can you reduce debilitating technical debt
  • Are there parts of the code or systems architecture you can rework to reduce the server cost
  • What are current manual processes that could be automated to reduce the turnaround time, improve quality, or save on human labor that can be used for more creative purposes- 要能衡量的saveing
  • Can you use free, open source software in certain places, replacing costly enterprise contracts
  • 能否通过数字化体现价值,包括但不限于使用数字化训练、AI助手、远程沟通取代差旅等
  • Can you reduce service costs and turnaround by designing and architecting your products in a more modular way
  • Does this step truly add in your value proposition and market differentiation?
  • Can you separate true needs at each step versus perceived
    needs? 识别真实需求
  • Can you use the cloud or Software as a Service in new ways? 需要注意成本及是否能有利于使用新技术
  • Are there places where process participants can collaborate better, or collapse several steps into a few?
  • Are there redundant or legacy versions of products you can consolidate or kill off and offer lagging customers an alternative?
  • Can you organize your applications into services to reduce the likelihood of redundant, inefficient code

4.3 Maximizing value

  • Sustain the value 支持好现状
  • Maximize value :Finding places to create value in current systems; doing the same things better.
  • Discover value : Inventing new things of value. Can we provide new markets, new products, new channels?

4.4 Supporting Functions -HR/财务等部门

  • There are supporting activities as well—.those necessary evils for a company of any size, like HR and the IT folks
    4.5 Applying the Value Chain
  • Treat it as a high-level checklist to establish a baseline understanding of what your business unit does
  • Determine the owners or some knowledgeable, communicative person within each of these areas to determine how it works, where it sees advantage, and where it needs help
  • Consider and identify specific ways that your technology strategy can directly improve costs, improve margins, or add to profitability for each of the points in the process

4.6 Revenue diversity-收入多样性

  • I urge you to investigate and dig deeper to really find out all the sources of revenue
  • You might build a set of different microservices or design a data model differently if you understand these aspects of your business.
  • Understanding the ecosystem within the Value Chain is helpful to the business-minded architect

5 Growth-Share Matrix


6 Core/Innovation Wave

6.1 作者发明的?Google不到多少资料
6.2 图例在这里插入图片描述

6.3 Don’t use this pattern on its own. Use it in conjunction with the
Growth-Share Matrix and Investment Map. The Wave alone won’t make any decisions for you.
6.4 layer over the waves to tag the priority level of
the funding each should get, with a bias toward those in the upper right: these are the ones that are most innovative and closest to the core of your business.

7 Investment Map

7.1 这个不是常见的商业投资分析,而是分析计划技术事情的可行性和重要性,也属于roadmap类分析
2、从以下几个方面打分: 实现困难度、现状/准备情况、客户和市场接受度
5、作为Strategy Deck的一部分

7.4 不要单独使用,需要结合Growth-share matrix 和CORE/Innovation Ware





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