1. 线性无关 Independence
Suppose A is m by n with m<n (more unknowns than equations)
Then there are nonzero solutions to Ax0
Reason: there will be free variables! A中具有至少一个自由变量,那么Ax0一定具有非零解。A的列向量可以线性组合得到零向…
stlink holybro debug板 pixhawk4 安装openocd
官方文档,但是第一步安装建议从源码安装,bug少很多 github链接
编译安装,参考 ./bootstrap (when building from the git repository)./configure [options]makesudo make install安装后…
idea中Run/Debug Python项目报错 Argument for NotNull parameter module of ...
Error running main: Argument for NotNull parameter module of com/intellij/openapi/roots/ModuleRootManager.getInstance must not be nu…