linux 操作系统下cp命令介绍及案例应用

linux 操作系统下cp命令介绍及案例应用



  • 基本语法:
  • bash
  • cp [options] <source> <destination>

功能: 复制单个文件或多个文件到指定位置。 递归复制目录及其内容。 选项可以用来控制复制行为,如保留文件属性、强制覆盖等。


  • -r 或 --recursive: 递归复制整个目录及其内容。
  • -p: 保留文件的时间戳、权限和所有者信息。
  • -f: 强制覆盖目标文件而不提示。
  • -i: 在覆盖文件前提示用户确认。
  • -v: 显示详细的复制过程信息。
  • -u: 仅在源文件比目标文件新时才进行复制。


root@meng:~# which cp


root@meng:~# cp

cp: missing file operand

Try 'cp --help' for more information.

root@meng:~# cp --help

Usage: cp [OPTION]... [-T] SOURCE DEST



Copy SOURCE to DEST, or multiple SOURCE(s) to DIRECTORY.

Mandatory arguments to long options are mandatory for short options too.

-a, --archive same as -dR --preserve=all

--attributes-only don't copy the file data, just the attributes

--backup[=CONTROL] make a backup of each existing destination file

-b like --backup but does not accept an argument

--copy-contents copy contents of special files when recursive

-d same as --no-dereference --preserve=links

-f, --force if an existing destination file cannot be

opened, remove it and try again (this option

is ignored when the -n option is also used)

-i, --interactive prompt before overwrite (overrides a previous -n


-H follow command-line symbolic links in SOURCE

-l, --link hard link files instead of copying

-L, --dereference always follow symbolic links in SOURCE

-n, --no-clobber do not overwrite an existing file (overrides

a previous -i option)

-P, --no-dereference never follow symbolic links in SOURCE

-p same as --preserve=mode,ownership,timestamps

--preserve[=ATTR_LIST] preserve the specified attributes (default:

mode,ownership,timestamps), if possible

additional attributes: context, links, xattr,


--no-preserve=ATTR_LIST don't preserve the specified attributes

--parents use full source file name under DIRECTORY

-R, -r, --recursive copy directories recursively

--reflink[=WHEN] control clone/CoW copies. See below

--remove-destination remove each existing destination file before

attempting to open it (contrast with --force)

--sparse=WHEN control creation of sparse files. See below

--strip-trailing-slashes remove any trailing slashes from each SOURCE


-s, --symbolic-link make symbolic links instead of copying

-S, --suffix=SUFFIX override the usual backup suffix

-t, --target-directory=DIRECTORY copy all SOURCE arguments into DIRECTORY

-T, --no-target-directory treat DEST as a normal file

-u, --update copy only when the SOURCE file is newer

than the destination file or when the

destination file is missing

-v, --verbose explain what is being done

-x, --one-file-system stay on this file system

-Z set SELinux security context of destination

file to default type

--context[=CTX] like -Z, or if CTX is specified then set the

SELinux or SMACK security context to CTX

--help display this help and exit

--version output version information and exit

By default, sparse SOURCE files are detected by a crude heuristic and the

corresponding DEST file is made sparse as well. That is the behavior

selected by --sparse=auto. Specify --sparse=always to create a sparse DEST

file whenever the SOURCE file contains a long enough sequence of zero bytes.

Use --sparse=never to inhibit creation of sparse files.

When --reflink[=always] is specified, perform a lightweight copy, where the

data blocks are copied only when modified. If this is not possible the copy

fails, or if --reflink=auto is specified, fall back to a standard copy.

Use --reflink=never to ensure a standard copy is performed.

The backup suffix is '~', unless set with --suffix or SIMPLE_BACKUP_SUFFIX.

The version control method may be selected via the --backup option or through

the VERSION_CONTROL environment variable. Here are the values:

none, off never make backups (even if --backup is given)

numbered, t make numbered backups

existing, nil numbered if numbered backups exist, simple otherwise

simple, never always make simple backups

As a special case, cp makes a backup of SOURCE when the force and backup

options are given and SOURCE and DEST are the same name for an existing,

regular file.

GNU coreutils online help: <>

Report any translation bugs to <>

Full documentation <>

or available locally via: info '(coreutils) cp invocation'


root@meng:~# ls

f1.txt.bz2 f2.txt.bz2 m1.txt m2.txt meng.txt meng.txt.bz2 rec00001f1.txt s1.txt s2.txt snap tmp

root@meng:~# cp m1.txt m1.txt.bak

root@meng:~# ls -arl m1.txt*

-rw-r--r-- 1 root root 109 Sep 9 09:06 m1.txt.bak

-rw-r--r-- 1 root root 109 Sep 2 16:01 m1.txt

root@meng:~# cp -ivrf *.txt tmp/

'm1.txt' -> 'tmp/m1.txt'

'm2.txt' -> 'tmp/m2.txt'

'meng.txt' -> 'tmp/meng.txt'

'rec00001f1.txt' -> 'tmp/rec00001f1.txt'

's1.txt' -> 'tmp/s1.txt'

's2.txt' -> 'tmp/s2.txt'

root@meng:~# ls tmp/

bin m1.txt m2.txt meng.txt rec00001f1.txt s1.txt s2.txt

root@meng:~# cp -ivrf *.txt tmp/

cp: overwrite 'tmp/m1.txt'? y

'm1.txt' -> 'tmp/m1.txt'

cp: overwrite 'tmp/m2.txt'? y

'm2.txt' -> 'tmp/m2.txt'

cp: overwrite 'tmp/meng.txt'? y

'meng.txt' -> 'tmp/meng.txt'

cp: overwrite 'tmp/rec00001f1.txt'? y

'rec00001f1.txt' -> 'tmp/rec00001f1.txt'

cp: overwrite 'tmp/s1.txt'? y

's1.txt' -> 'tmp/s1.txt'

cp: overwrite 'tmp/s2.txt'? y

's2.txt' -> 'tmp/s2.txt'






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