中英双语介绍四大会计师事务所(Big Four accounting firms)


“四大会计师事务所”(Big Four accounting firms)是全球最具影响力和规模最大的四家专业服务公司,它们在审计、税务、咨询和财务咨询等领域占据着主导地位。这四家公司分别是普华永道(PwC)、德勤(Deloitte)、安永(EY)和毕马威(KPMG)。以下是对四大会计师事务所的详细介绍,包括它们的历史、知名案例以及为何被称为“四大”。

普华永道 (PwC)

历史:普华永道的历史可以追溯到19世纪。1998年,Price Waterhouse和Coopers & Lybrand合并,成立了今天的普华永道(PwC)。


  • Enron公司:普华永道在安然公司丑闻后接管了部分重组工作。
  • AIG保险公司:在金融危机期间,普华永道担任AIG的审计师,协助其重新恢复业务。

德勤 (Deloitte)

发音:美 [dəˈlɔɪt]


  • BP石油泄漏:德勤在2010年墨西哥湾石油泄漏事件后,提供了咨询和审计服务。
  • 英格兰银行:德勤在金融危机期间为英格兰银行提供了咨询服务。

安永 (EY)

历史:安永的历史起源于1903年,Ernst & Young于1989年由Ernst & Whinney和Arthur Young & Co.合并而成。


  • Lehman Brothers破产案:安永在雷曼兄弟破产案中担任清算人,负责处理复杂的财务问题。
  • Facebook IPO:安永是Facebook上市的审计师,帮助公司完成了首次公开募股。

毕马威 (KPMG)

历史:毕马威的历史可以追溯到1897年,1987年由Klynveld Main Goerdeler (KMG)和Peat Marwick International合并而成。


  • Olympus丑闻:毕马威在奥林巴斯财务丑闻后,参与了公司重组和审计工作。
  • Nokia:毕马威在诺基亚业务重组期间提供了审计和咨询服务。



  • 规模和员工数量:四大在全球拥有数十万员工,覆盖大多数国家和地区。
  • 客户基础:四大服务于众多《财富》500强公司和全球知名企业。
  • 服务范围:不仅限于传统的审计和税务服务,还包括咨询、财务咨询、风险管理等广泛的专业服务。




  • 创新和技术:四大在近年来积极投入于技术创新和数字化转型,通过人工智能、大数据和区块链等新兴技术提升其服务能力。
  • 全球影响力:四大在全球范围内的影响力不仅体现在商业领域,还包括在公共政策、监管咨询和国际合作等方面的贡献。
  • 社会责任:四大积极参与企业社会责任(CSR)活动,致力于可持续发展、环境保护和社会公益事业。



The “Big Four” accounting firms are the four largest and most influential professional services networks in the world, dominating the fields of audit, tax, consulting, and financial advisory services. These firms are PricewaterhouseCoopers (PwC), Deloitte, Ernst & Young (EY), and KPMG. Here is a detailed introduction to the Big Four, including their history, notable cases, and why they are referred to as the Big Four.

PricewaterhouseCoopers (PwC)

History: PwC traces its origins back to the 19th century. It was formed in 1998 from a merger between Price Waterhouse and Coopers & Lybrand.

Notable Cases:

  • Enron: PwC took over part of the restructuring work after the Enron scandal.
  • AIG: PwC served as the auditor for AIG during the financial crisis, helping the company recover.


History: Deloitte was founded in London in 1845 by William Welch Deloitte. Through numerous mergers and expansions, Deloitte has grown to be one of the largest accounting firms in the world.

Notable Cases:

  • BP Oil Spill: Deloitte provided consulting and audit services after the 2010 Gulf of Mexico oil spill.
  • Bank of England: Deloitte offered consulting services to the Bank of England during the financial crisis.

Ernst & Young (EY)

History: EY’s origins date back to 1903. It was formed in 1989 from a merger between Ernst & Whinney and Arthur Young & Co.

Notable Cases:

  • Lehman Brothers Bankruptcy: EY served as the liquidator in the Lehman Brothers bankruptcy case, handling complex financial issues.
  • Facebook IPO: EY was the auditor for Facebook’s initial public offering, assisting the company in going public.


History: KPMG’s history dates back to 1897 and was formed in 1987 from a merger between Klynveld Main Goerdeler (KMG) and Peat Marwick International.

Notable Cases:

  • Olympus Scandal: KPMG was involved in the restructuring and auditing after the Olympus financial scandal.
  • Nokia: KPMG provided audit and consulting services during Nokia’s business restructuring.

Why They Are Referred to as the Big Four

The Big Four accounting firms are known for their global reach, extensive range of professional services, and large client bases, distinguishing them from other accounting firms. Here are some reasons why they are called the Big Four:

  • Scale and Workforce: The Big Four employ hundreds of thousands of professionals worldwide, with offices in most countries.
  • Client Base: They serve a vast number of Fortune 500 companies and other globally recognized enterprises.
  • Service Scope: Beyond traditional audit and tax services, the Big Four offer consulting, financial advisory, risk management, and other specialized services.

History of the Firms

The origins of the Big Four can be traced back to the 19th century in Europe and the United States. Through a series of strategic mergers and expansions in the late 20th century, these firms transformed from local accounting practices into global professional services giants. The consolidation of smaller firms into the Big Four established their dominant positions in the global market.

Additional Important Information

  • Innovation and Technology: The Big Four have heavily invested in technology and digital transformation, leveraging artificial intelligence, big data, and blockchain to enhance their service capabilities.
  • Global Influence: The Big Four’s impact extends beyond the business sector to public policy, regulatory consulting, and international cooperation.
  • Corporate Social Responsibility: The Big Four are actively involved in corporate social responsibility (CSR) initiatives, focusing on sustainability, environmental protection, and social welfare.

In summary, the Big Four accounting firms stand out due to their exceptional professional services, extensive global reach, and rich historical backgrounds. They not only provide high-quality financial and consulting services to their clients but also play a significant role in the global business and societal landscape.






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