【专业英语 复习】第10章 Information System

1. 单选题 (1分)  

An example of this type of report would be a sales report that shows that certain items are selling significantly above or below forecasts. ()  

A. Inventory  

B. Demand  

C. Periodic  

D. Exception  

正确答案: D  


A.库存 B.需求 C. 周期的 D. 异常

2. 单选题 (1分)  

____ systems are also known as knowledge-based systems.  

A. Office automation  

B. Expert  专家

C. Knowledge work  


正确答案: B  


3. 单选题 (1分)  

This level of management is involved with tactical planning and implementing the long-term goals within an organization. ()  

A. Top management  

B. Stockholders  

C. Supervisors  

D. Middle management  

正确答案: D  


4. 单选题 (1分)  

Pricing, promoting, selling, and distributing the organization's goods and services pertain to which of the following functions? ()  

A. Research  

B. Production  

C. Marketing  

D. Accounting  

正确答案: C  


5. 单选题 (1分)  

In a GDSS, the ____ is generally the decision maker.  

A. client  

B. group  

C. programmer  

D. technician  

正确答案: B  


6. 单选题 (1分)  

Who is responsible for operational matters and monitoring day-to-day events? ()  

A. Middle management  

B. Supervisors  

C. Stockholders  

D. Top management  

正确答案: B  


A.中层管理人员 B.主管人员 C. 股东 D. 高层管理人员

7. 单选题 (1分)  

A ____ decision support system is used to support collective work.  

A. transaction  

B. supervisory  

C. group  

D. executive  

正确答案: C  


A. 交易 B. 监督的 C. 组 D. 经理

8. 单选题 (1分)  

TPS stands for ____.  

A. Trojan prevention system  

B. two-way processor synchronization  

C. transaction processing system  

D. triple port synchronization  

正确答案: C  


A. 特洛伊预防系统

B. 双向处理器同步

C. 事理系统

D. 三端口同步

9. 单选题 (1分)  

This system is a flexible tool for data analysis, since its reports do not have a fixed format. ()  

A. Transaction processing system  

B. Executive support system  

C. Management information system  

D. Decision support system  

正确答案: D  


A. 交易处理系统

B. 执行支持系统

C. 管理信息系统

D. 决策支持系统

10. 单选题 (1分)  

When an order comes in, the ____ activity alerts the warehouse to ship a product.  

A. general ledger  

B. sales order processing  

C. inventory control system  

D. decision support system  

正确答案: B  


A. 总清账

B. 销售订单处理

C. 存货控制系统

D. 决策支持系统

11. 单选题 (1分)  

What documentation shows the income, expenses, and difference between them for a company during a specific time period? ()  

A. Purchase order  

B. Balance sheets  

C. Income statements  

D. Accounts payable  

正确答案: C  


12. 单选题 (1分)  

This decision model helps middle-level managers control the work of the organization, such as financial planning and sales promotion planning. ()  

A. Strategic model  

B. Corporate model  

C. Tactical model  

D. Operational model  

正确答案: C  




C. 战术模型

D. 操作模型

13. 单选题 (1分)  

A typical ____ system can produce income statements and balance sheets.  

A. decision support  

B. general ledger  

C. executive support  

D. management information  

正确答案: B  


14. 单选题 (1分)  

Money collected from or owed by customers is called ____.  

A. sales order processing  

B. inventory  

C. accounts payable  

D. accounts receivable  

正确答案: D  


A. 销售订单处理

B. 存货清单

C. 应付账款

D. 应收账款

15. 单选题 (1分)  

____ systems are computer systems that allow people located at various geographic locations to communicate and have in-person meetings.  

A. Video conferencing  

B. Virtual reality  

C. Blogging  

D. Microsoft Project  

正确答案: A  


16. 单选题 (1分)  

Basic activities in every accounting department, including sales order processing, accounts receivable, inventory and purchasing, accounts payable, and payroll, are recorded in the ____.  

A. accountant’s database  

B. inventory control system  

C. general ledger  

D. corporate database  

正确答案: C  


17. 单选题 (1分)  

Who uses management information systems? ()  

A. Middle-level managers  

B. Top-level managers  

C. Employee-level workers  

D. Supervisors  

正确答案: A  


18. 单选题 (1分)  

This level of management is concerned with long-range planning and uses information that will help them plan the future growth and direction of the organization. ()  

A. Middle management  

B. Supervisors  

C. Top management  

D. Stockholders  

正确答案: C  


19. 单选题 (1分)  

Which system presents information in a highly summarized form? ()  

A. Decision support system (DSS)  

B. Transaction processing system (TPS)  

C. Executive support system (ESS)  

D. Management information system (MIS)  

正确答案: C  


20. 单选题 (1分)  

Effective operation within any organization requires an efficient and coordinated flow of ____ throughout the organization.  

A. market awareness  

B. accounting data  

C. research  

D. information  

正确答案: D  





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